I had a great time working with Chwarae Teg and CMI this month on the Hive network events. The events were well attended with over 120 people across 70 different business in Wales attending the workshops which empowered participants with knowledge, skills and encouragement to make changes to improve their health, wellbeing and performance.
I wanted to utilise this opportunity to encourage employees to explore and question their working routines and practices and why and how they do what they do. The session consisted of a range of activities and exercises to raise awareness of productivity patterns and how everyday behaviours are helping or hindering performance. Staff were shown how they can improve their performance and positively influence their health, wellbeing and resilience, simply by making slight adjustments to their behaviours.
Participant testimonials:
“The Performance Circle workshop was very thought provoking and challenging for myself and my team.”
“Very positive, motivating and really made me think about how I can use what I have learnt in my current job.”
“Really interesting and interactive.”
“Loads of good tips about engendering a better culture and an improved work-life balance.”
“I found it all very inspiring and thought provoking. Really enjoyed networking and picked up some useful tips and areas of further research.”